The Somerlap team were very honoured to be awarded six trophies in the Mark Flower and Produce Show.

Andrea Hutchings entered a fabulous knitted “one man band musician” named Ernie – not her first creation by a long way, but certainly one of the best – the attention to detail has to be seen! The judges obviously agreed as she won three trophies for her efforts.

andreas clown

The remaining trophies were won by our on-site gardener Gerald Dally (combined with the watering duties of Somerlap staff). Gerald has planted and maintained Somerlap’s live veggie corner in our garden planter display area for many years.

“This year’s display was one of the best I think. From carrots to giant cabbages, runner beans to superb onions – is there something in the soil?”

Probably not - but a lifetime (Gerald is 74) of growing produce has obviously given him a gift which is quite often overlooked these days, with supermarkets offering a multitude of options from around the world.

Well done Gerald (and his apprentice “Macker”) and Andrea for their amazing efforts.

Want to see Gerald's prize-winning vegetables for yourself? Pop in and visit us in Mark, Somerset.

GardeningPlantersSomerlap news